Martin BelData Scientist
Data Scientist with +6 years of experience. Experience with: Machine learning, Statistical data analysis, Time series forecasting, Deep learning for Computer vision, NLP and Speech recognition. BSc in Economics and MSc in data mining from UBA. Programming: R, Python and SQL.
Tech stack
Python (5)
Deep Learning (5)
Statistics (5)
Machine Learning (5)
Data Science (5)
Data Scientist
04/2015 - 08/2019

Common tasks I'm consulted with: - Time series forecasting - Exploratory data analysis - Data visualization using R/Shiny, Rmd or Jupyter Notebooks - Machine learning for business and financial applications. - Hypothesis Testing - Automated A/B testing - Deep learning for Computer vision: Image classification, Object detection, Segmentation among other common tasks. Experience working with deep learning and the movidius NCS. - Deep learning for Speech recognition - Movidius NCS applications

Deep Learning
Machine Learning
Data Science
Data MiningUniversidad de Buenos Aires
03/2014 - 01/2017
Licentiate degree cum laude merit in EconomicsUniversidad de Buenos Aires
03/2003 - 01/2009