Martin SecoBack End Developer
Hi! I'm a Back End Developer based in Argentina. My focus is on designing and developing highly scalable services capable of withstanding high loads of traffic. I have worked for multiple multinational companies, in different environments but always trying to give my best and help the team. I'm passionate about music and technology. Always up for a good challenge!
Tech stack
Java (9)
Go (7)
MySQL (7)
DynamoDB (7)
Spark (7)
Oracle Database (2)
SQL (2)
Django REST Framework
Backend DeveloperMercado Libre
03/2018 - Currently

Project: Shipping Preferences. Currently part of a team that develops and maintains multiple microservices managing shipping preferences for items, sellers and catalog. All deployed on AWS. - Redesigned and adapted a critical microservice with 900k requests per minute, that calculates the shipping preferences of an item to allow multiple sales channels with complex rules. Technologies: Golang. - Maintained a critical microservice that manages shipping preferences for users. This services has 2.5M requests per minute with response times below 5ms. Technologies: Golang, DynamoDB, Memcached. - Developed a microservice that manages shipping preferences for the entire MeLi catalog. This service has approximately 1.5M requests per minute with response times below 10ms. Technologies: Java, Spark, DynamoDB. - Implemented a series of caches in the service that manages catalog shipping preferences, reducing response times by 60% and costs by 95%. Technologies: Java, Memcached.

Software DeveloperClaro Argentina
05/2016 - 02/2018

Project: CATER re-engineer Redesigned and developed the CATER application backend, which is used in stores for selling cell phones along the country. Technologies used: Java, PL-SQL and Oracle DB. Refactored the costs-calculation module that the company uses to determine phones and lines prices, reducing the amount of variables that were taken into account and simplifying the process.

Oracle Database
Information Systems EngineerUniversidad Tecnológica Nacional
02/2012 - 02/2017