Mariano MartinelliTechnical Lead
Highly Skilled managing Software Engineer with strong background in Product design and Business development, having experience working in several verticals such as FinTech, Marketing, Advertisement, Education, Blockchain and Crypto Industries. Currently looking for new challenges in leadership positions such as Product or Software Engineering Management.
Tech stack
Agile (8)
Requirements Analysis (8)
Scrum (8)
Software Engineering (8)
Django REST Framework (6)
React (6)
Django (6)
Requirements & Specifications (5)
Project Management (4)
AWS Cloud Architecture (3)
Python (3)
Kubernetes (3)
Continuous Delivery (CD) (3)
Domain-driven Design (3)
High Availability (3)
Amazon Web Services (AWS) (3)
ETL (3)
Docker (3)
Docker Compose (3)
Software Architecture (3)
Deep Learning (3)
Relational Databases (2)
SQL (2)
Data Modeling (2)
Machine Learning
Object-oriented Programming (OOP)
Dimensional Modeling
B2B - Technical LeadRipio
09/2021 - Currently

As a technical Team Leader, my main concerns are the well-being of my team, and arbitraging critical architectural decisions. Working side by side with product team, I'm in charge of the whole development cycle of a B2B solution for banking enterprises and fintech companies, with the objetive of helping Ripio become the most influential and reliable crypto-as-a-service solution in LATAM and worldwide. Currently one of our biggest customer is MercadoLibre, helping them building the 1st major Tokenization development in the world. I'm in the crossroads of all the non-functional requirements for this ambitious platform, acting as key-stakeholder in the co-design of secure, well robust and scalable B2B platform, following best practices such as zero-trust design, domain-driven-design and cloud-based solutions, all of this backed by a great team of security, devOps and SRE engineers.

Django REST Framework
AWS Cloud Architecture
Continuous Delivery (CD)
Domain-driven Design
High Availability
Teaching Assistant: Software Engineering 2Facultad de Informática, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
02/2019 - 10/2022

Se busca introducir al alumno con bases teóricas y empíricas a las distintas etapas de un proceso de Ingeniería de Software. Comprender las Metodologías Ágiles. Planificar un desarrollo serio atravesando etapas clave de un proceso de software que abarcan desde la elicitación de requerimientos hasta la entrega de un producto de software que cumpla con la totalidad de los requerimientos funcionales, no funcionales y reglas de negocios solicitadas por las partes interesadas.

Project Management
Requirements Analysis
Software Engineering
Teaching Assistant: Software Engineering 1Facultad de Informática, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
08/2018 - 10/2022

Se trata de una materia dictada en el segundo año de las licenciaturas de la Facultad de Informática. Su enfoque varía desde tópicos como la Ingeniería de requerimientos y el modelado de sistemas con diversas técnicas hasta otros vinculados al análisis de los distintos modelos de proceso existentes para el desarrollo de software de calidad.

Requirements & Specifications
Requirements Analysis
Software Engineering
Teaching Assistant: Databases Fundamentals & Design (FOD-DBD)Facultad de Informática, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
02/2021 - 10/2022


Data Modeling
Relational Databases
Full Stack EngineerDevsar
03/2019 - 07/2021

Full stack Team Leader and Tech Interviewer. Specialized in the design of RESTful APIs and Real-time systems.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Docker Compose
Software Architecture
Django REST Framework
Deep Learning
Analista Programador UniversitarioUniversidad Nacional de La Plata
01/2017 - 09/2020
Licenciatura en SistemasUniversidad Nacional de La Plata
02/2016 - Currently
RESTful Web APIs Design (PyconAR 2020)
November 2020 - November 2020