Francisco DepascualiMobile Developer
Software Engineer working in iOS at Brubank. +5 years in iOS development, +1 year with React Native. Previously @Wolox, @AIT, @getmimo and @MURAL.
Tech stack
Swift (2)
React Native (1)
Objective-C (1)
JavaScript (1)
ReactiveCocoa (1)
TypeScript (1)
OpenCV (1)
RxSwift (1)
iOS (1)
Machine Learning (1)
Neural Networks (1)
Python (1)
Functional Programming
Model View Viewmodel (MVVM)
Mobile Developer
06/2019 - 06/2019

Wolox was my first work experience. There I learned iOS development, first with Objective-C and then Swift (since the beginning of Swift basically). The technical expertise at Wolox was pretty high, and in my time there I could learn a lot, not only of iOS development, but of software as a whole. I pushed myself forward, started reading blog posts, watched technical talks, subscribed to iOS communities, wrote some blog posts and other activities that made me grow a lot as a developer.

Mobile DeveloperBrubank
02/2019 - 06/2019

I'm currently working at Brubank, in the iOS app ( Somethings I helped are: 1. Setting up code signing with fastlane (match) and bitrise. 2. Automate testing for every PR with bitrise and fastlane (via ruby scripting). 3. General knowledge of Rx and MVVM.

Mobile DeveloperMural
05/2018 - 03/2019

MURAL ( is an online collaboration tool. As the app was written in React Native, I learned that language and actually enjoyed it a lot. This was a complex app that required sockets, drawing (had to be performant), and other software challenges. We used OpenCV (to detect drawings), Vision framework (to detect rectangles) and ARKit to place the stickies at the wall. I then ported this app to Mural's iOS app by creating a cocoapods framework that was consumed via Mural.

React Native
Mobile DeveloperMimo
10/2017 - 02/2018

During my second semester in Austria, I worked at Mimo ( It was one of the best work experience I had. The product was widely used, growing a lot and it was a small team (~12) of great people, from different parts of the world. In my short experience here, I switched back again to iOS development (after finishing my thesis). I realized how much I grew on my development skills.

Mobile Developer
04/2017 - 11/2017

While living in Vienna for my last year of university, I wrote my master thesis about Artificial Intelligence (AI), sponsored by AIT (Austrian Institute of Technology). The thesis was highly appreciated by AIT, and earned me an honorable mention at UAS Technikum Wien.

Neural Networks
Machine Learning
Master Software Engineering (& honorable mention)UAS Technikum Wien (Vienna, Austria)
02/2017 - 01/2018
Software EngineerITBA (Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires)
02/2012 - 01/2018