David PalaciosFull Stack Developer
David is an experienced Full Stack Developer, who embarked on his coding journey at the tender age of 14, cultivating a wealth of expertise across platforms such as Laravel, Vue.js, Flask, and Shopify. Fueled by an unwavering passion for Linux, he holds steadfast to the belief that the realm of code knows no bounds. Renowned for his adeptness in transforming intricate concepts into fully functional web applications and software solutions, David possesses an acute attention to detail and a knack for troubleshooting and bug resolution.
Tech stack
PHP (8)
Laravel (7)
Python (5)
Shopify (5)
Linux (5)
Design (3)
API Development
Full Stack DeveloperCover Whale
07/2021 - Currently

My responsibilities as a Full Stack Developer at Cover Whale include: - Design and implement new features for the company web application using PHP, Laravel, and Vue.js. - Maintain and optimize existing features to improve the application's performance and user experience. - Work collaboratively with cross-functional teams to deliver high-quality software on schedule and to specification.

Full Stack DeveloperTYBO Agency
09/2019 - Currently

As a Full Stack Developer at TYBO Agency I'm responsible for the development of custom solutions for our customers such as Shopify applications, integrations with the Shopify API, stores customization, custom API solutions and endpoints in both Python and PHP as well as Linux server management for our custom solutions.

Content Creator and QA SpecialistStyde Limited
03/2017 - 05/2020

As a member of the Styde team I worked on a variety of areas: - Translated the entire Laravel documentation and a popular Vue.js book from English to Spanish, enabling Spanish-speaking developers to access high-quality resources for these technologies. - Provided technical support to students, helping them to troubleshoot programming issues, debug code, and develop more effective software engineering practices. - Stayed up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in web development, incorporating new techniques and tools into Styde's educational materials and processes as appropriate.
